Throughout history, there have been discoveries that have had a tremendous impact on the lives of mankind. In many cases, these discoveries have only come along once in several lifetimes. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum, are two of those amazing discoveries that only come along every now-n-then. These exceptional products can optimize a weakened immune system.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


"Doctors Recommended Lifelong Immuno-suppressive Therapy"

In 1997, I was diagnosed with a very aggressive, Pulmonary disease [called] “stage 3 Sarcoidosis.” This is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and scaring of the lung tissue. I was already losing vital lung function and in time I would become a lung cripple, no longer able to breathe without the aid of an oxygen tank.

My doctors recommended that I began a lifelong immuno-suppressive therapy-using Steroids. I was further in formed that the benefits from the steroid treatment could not be guaranteed but the long-term prognosis without the treatment is probably worse.

In June of 1999 I started using a high dose of Prednisone. The drug Plaquenil was later added. Modest improvement came at the expense of many side effects including abnormal weight gain, muscular weakness, a [bloated] look in my face, pain in my joints and the swelling of my fingers. Since immuno-suppressive therapy did not provide me with the results I was looking for, I discontinued the treatment in April 2001. I then started looking for a nutritional solution to support my immune system.

In addition to juicing, I made some major changes in my eating habits. In October 2001, I started taking Chinese herbs to further support my immune system. The Doctors began to see some major clinical improvements. Some weeks latter an old friend by the name of Jim Spencer contacted me and recommended that I start taking a product called Immunocal. He pointed out that my auto Immune disease was a result of a glutathione deficiency. He further pointed out that Immunocal is listed in the “Physicians Desk Reference” (the doctor’s bible).

When I checked the PDR I was surprised to learn that there are many diseases listed in that publication that are defined as “Glutathione Deficient States” with autoimmune diseases being among them. The PDR further states that Immunocal has been “clinically proven to raise glutathione values” in each cell of the body.

Jim said that raising my glutathione levels by using Immunocal would not only regulate my immune system so that the inflammation would go away, but the elevated glutathione levels would also rid my body of all the toxins I received as a result of taking those very powerful medications.

In just three months after using Immunocal, the inflammation had completely gone away with no further scaring of my lung tissue. My lung function has dramatically improved to the amazement of all of my doctors. Finally, as my body began riding itself of all the toxins, the side effects from the medications began to fade away. Other than immunocal and the other vitamin supplements from Immunotec Research, I am on no other Pharmaceuticals or herbal remedies to prevent the return of this disease. At the time of this writing it had been six years since I started seeing the benefits of elevating my glutathione levels by adding Immunocal to my daily regimen. (December 2007)
The people giving product testimonials on this BLOG or on other Immunotec material reflect the actual experience of each individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical. These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.


Retired Army:  First Sergeant
Disabled Vietnam Veteran (Exposed to Agent Orange)

This product has sent all my problems into remission by optimizing my immune system.

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