Throughout history, there have been discoveries that have had a tremendous impact on the lives of mankind. In many cases, these discoveries have only come along once in several lifetimes. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum, are two of those amazing discoveries that only come along every now-n-then. These exceptional products can optimize a weakened immune system.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


IMMUNOCAL SAVED MY DAUGHTER’S LIFE ---- My name is Rose Thomas, this story I am about to share with you, is a true story.  Two years ago, I was suffering from an old back injury when I was introduced to Immunocal by a really good friend of mine.  Soon after I started taking Immunocal, I noticed that my back was not hurting as it always had since the injury.   I was also able to stand straight and walk without stooping forward as I had walked since the injury.  I was very grateful l to this because soon I was able to start wearing heels again and began feeling good about myself and I knew the only thing I had done different recently was take Immunocal. Little did I know that the real test for Immunocal was in my future.

June, 2011, my daughter, Tamika, along with my granddaughter, was living with me when Tamika was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. The next day, the doctors informed me that over night, Tamika had developed a fast-spreading infection coupled with pneumonia and they needed me to sign for her to receive some very powerful antibiotics, the kind used on patients with AIDS. I was also informed that this type of pneumonia and lung infection was usually seen in patients with AIDS so I also needed to sign papers for the AIDS test to be given.  I did as the doctors asked; Tamika was given the antibiotics and the test was performed. The next day, the results of the AIDS test came back negative and the so-called powerful antibiotics were not having any affect on the infection.

In fact, the infection was spreading at so fast a rate, that the doctors needed to put Tamika in a drug induced coma, take her off her lungs and put Tamika on a ventilator because her lungs could not stand the strain and stress of her struggling to use them to breathe. Both lungs were at risk of collapsing at any moment.  I was also informed by the doctors that unless they could find a way to stop the spread of the infection within the next 48 hours, the infection could spread to Tamika’s heart and she would not be able to survive such an attack and would die.  The doctors explained that they wanted to do a procedure that would require them to but a probe down through Tamika’s tubes and inject a liquid over her lungs and extract the infectious thick mucus off her lungs.

The problem with this procedure was the doctors were not able to see the lungs during x-ray because the infection was so dense.   They did not want to take the chance of puncturing Tamika’s lungs because that would surely prove deadly.  It was at this time that I said, ok, enough is enough.  I asked the doctors to administer Immunocal to Tamika through her tubes and give her a fighting chance at life.  They refused, stating, “No home remedies are allowed to be used in this hospital on any patient.”   Thank goodness I knew about Immunocal being in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR).   I was able to stand toe to toe and face to face with those doctors and tell them to check their PDR and see for themselves that Immunocal was not just some home remedy; it was in their PDR and anything in the PDR can be prescribed by  doctors to patients.  Because Immunocal was listed in the PDR, the doctors agreed to use it.

Immediately one pouch of platinum and one pouch of regular Immunocal were administered and the same amount was given that same night as well as the next morning.  Doctor’s orders were placed on the med board right alongside the other medications for one pack of Immunocal and one pack of Immunocal Platinum to be administered to Tamika twice daily.  After the morning administration of Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum, x-rays were taken and doctors were able to see Tamika’s lungs enough to proceed with the procedure they had wanted to do.

The day after the procedure, doctors started slowly bringing Tamika out of the coma and by the next day, Tamika was removed off the ventilator and was able breathe completely on her own.   The grace of God and Immunocal had given my daughter back to me and had given my granddaughter back her mother.  I am not able to express the happiness I felt to be talking with my daughter on the day I was told I could be preparing her funeral.  One doctor even stated, “It had to be that stuff that you gave us because I have never seen anyone recover from this type of illness this quickly before.” The next day, Tamika was released from the hospital and has been doing very well since.


Rose Thomas
Independent Consultant
Immunotec Research, Inc.  

Tamika is the one holding the baby, 1 week after release from hospital.

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