Throughout history, there have been discoveries that have had a tremendous impact on the lives of mankind. In many cases, these discoveries have only come along once in several lifetimes. Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum, are two of those amazing discoveries that only come along every now-n-then. These exceptional products can optimize a weakened immune system.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Also known as shaking palsy, Parkinson's disease is one of North Americas most common debilitating illnesses. It is often thought of as a disease of old age - one person in a hundred will develop it by retirement age, but half of them may have it by age 40.
    Parkinson's disease develops progressively. Nerve cells slowly degenerate in the part of the mid-brain that controls movement (the substantia nigra layer of the basal ganglia). In normal health, messages from the motor cortex to the reticular formation initiate free movement, and neurotransmitters released from the basal ganglia in response to the same messages slow or dampen movement, providing the suppleness and dexterity we take for granted. These two neurotransmitters are dopamine, which stimulates the damping effect, and acetylcholine, which inhibits it.

Its exact cause is usually unknown, but Parkinson's disease is characterized by cell damage in the basal ganglia. Production of dopamine slows down and the characteristic symptoms appear. It begins with weakness or stiffness accompanied by a slight tremor of the hands or head. Over time the shaking increases, muscles stiffen further and there is a visible deterioration in balance and coordination. In advanced stages, symptoms include generalized rigidity, drooling, loss of appetite, stooped posture, a shuffiing walk and a fixed facial expression. Eventually, communication skills may be impaired. Dementia, depression and other emotional problems are common.
    Genetic factors playa role too, but there are other contributing causes including certain medications, pesticides, carbon monoxide, cyanide, manganese, street heroin, specific viruses and the type of repetitive head trauma suffered by boxer Mohammed Ali (dementia pugilistica). Researchers at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda have recently identified a gene programmed for the production of a protein called alpha synuclein. There is hope that this clue will open the door to further discoveries about Parkinson's disease and innovative ways to treat it.

There is so far no definitive cure for Parkinson's disease but it is treatable most effectively at its outset. Therefore, early diagnosis is best. For the time being, conventional treatments include medication that attempts to restore neurochemical balance by replacing or supplementing the body's production of dopamine. Neurosurgical techniques and fetal tissue implants have had some success. Some scientists are developing implantable electrodes into the brain to stimulate specific neural pathways. Drugs such as selegiline have shown promise. A team headed by researchers P. Jenner and c.w. Olanow from the Neurodegenerative Disease Research Centre in London have shown that selegiline may increase glutathione activity. Recently, newer drugs like pramipexole and ropenerole have emerged as more effective treatments.

Recent research has revealed two important findings: first, biochemical analysis of the affected brain tissue shows damage consistent with extensive oxidative stress and the circulation of free radicals that follows it; second, glutathione levels in these tissues are particularly low. A striking feature of Parkinson's is an approximate 40% decrease during the early stages of the disease. A group of researchers from the University of Southern California led by J.D. Adams Jr. were able to show that in advanced Parkinson's Disease glutathione levels fall to a mere 2% of normal. Whether the drop in glutathione is a cause or a symptom of this damage remains unclear. But there is good news - elevated glutathione levels slow brain tissue damage. Some symptoms may even be reversed.
    Since damage caused by free radicals is an invariable component of Parkinson's Disease, researchers have experimented with a variety of high-dose antioxidants. In addition to the more well-known antioxidants, glutathione therapy has also been used. Not only is glutathione an exceptional antioxidant, the substantia nigra of Parkinson's patients is especially deficient in it, so their need is particularly great. M. Gabby's research team in Israel showed that elevated glutathione levels more effectively reduce dopaminergic toxicity than the antioxidant vitamins C and E. Paradoxically, while brain cells need dopamine to function, dopamine at certain times is actually toxic to the same tissues. This may be why drugs which raise L-dopa levels, like Sinernet, only work for a few years before the effects wear off and the patient subsequently deteriorates.
    Dr. P. Jenner and his team at the Parkinson's Disease Experimental Research Laboratories in London have extensively examined the role of glutathione in the progression of this disease. They found that glutathione levels fall consistently at the onset of Parkinson's Disease and believe that elevated glutathione levels can help prevent neural damage.
    D. Offen's team at the Beilinson Medical Center in Israel experimented on the actual neurons involved in dopamine metabolism. They investigated the cell-death associated with the Parkinsonian decline in dopamine. To slow down this decline they used antioxidants, and found that the rhiol (sulfUr-containing) antioxidants  glutathione , NAC and dithioleitol worked well. In the cautious language of medical science, they described them as "markedly protective" of brain cells. This corroborated the findings of M. Gabby's work (above), furrher supporting the theory that glutathione may prevent or delay dopamine-induced cell death.
    G. Sechi and his team in Italy studied a group of untreated Parkinson's patients in the early stages of the disease who received intravenous glutathione therapy twice a day for a month. All patients improved significantly with more than 40% decrease in their disability. The improvement faded away two to four months after the last glutathione treatment.
    Other authors have drawn attention to the role of glutathione-enhancing drugs in the treatment of this disease. There is much evidence to support the usefulness of elevated glutathione levels. Today, however, there are ways to raise glutathione levels without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum are the ONLY Dietary supplements, patented and scientifically PROVEN to consistently raise glutathione levels and enhance the human immune system!

                                                                    Case studies 
Glutathione is part of the body's defense system and protects us against the onset of many disease processes. It can also help to reverse certain conditions or symptoms, either temporarily or permanently. The following story illustrates the apparent helpfulness of  glutathione supplementation in one particular case. Wally, a seventyjour year-old baseball fan, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in May 1997. His disease progressed quickly and his doctors placed him on Sinemet carbidopallevodopa). In November he began to experience severe headaches - presumably from the medication - and he discontinued it. Up to this point he had been a very active man, but now he deteriorated to the point where he could not get out of bed or even rise from a chair without help. He says movement felt like 'walking in cement: He was constantly fatigued and soon needed a wheelchair to go outdoors. The doctors used other medications including Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) and Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride). They helped slightly. In March 1998 he started taking Immunocal, a natural protein which raises  glutathione  levels. After five days his headaches were gone. Within two weeks his fatigue had lessened. Two months later Wally was walking well again and was eventually able to visit the new Angels baseball stadium, Edison Field, and jog around the block. There was no other therapeutic intervention and seven months later his active lifestyle continued. 62 year-old Carol maintained an active legal practice until 1990. After a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in 1986, she was able for a while to continue her career as a lawyer, but eventually had to quit. The stress was aggravatingher symptoms and the symptoms were in turn increasing her stress levels. She was treated with a number of different medications but her health continued to deteriorate until she eventually needed help at home to carry out day-to-day tasks. She quit driving her car and stopped taking her daily walks, which she loved. Then, within days of starting to take a bioactive whey protein isolate she noticed her strength returning. Weeks afterwards she was once more exploring her neighborhood and nine months later she was driving again. 

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is characterized by a loss of the brain cells that regulate dopamine. Significant evidence points to the role of oxidative stress and dramatically low  glutathione  levels as critical contributing causes of this damage. Studies have demonstrated that protecting these cells from damage and death by raising  glutathione levels can succeed both in the laboratory and in patients and is a welcome addition to conventional medical treatments.


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ADAMS JD JR, ODUNZE IN. Oxygen free radicals and Parkinson's disease. Free Radical BioI Med 10(2):161-169, 1991
DI MONTE DA, CHAN P, SANDY MS. Glutathione in Parkinson's disease: a link between oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage? Annals of Neurology 32(suppl): SIlI-II5, 1992
EBADI M, SRINIVASAN SK, BAXI MD. Oxidative stress and antioxidant thempy in Parkinson's disease. Progress in Neurobiology 48(1):1-9,1996
GABBY M, TAUBER M, PORAT S, SIMANTOV R. Selective role of glutathione in protecting human neuronal cells from dopamine-induced apoptosis. Neuropharmacology 35(5):57 - 578,1996
JENNER P. Oxidative damage in neurodegenera. tive disease. The Lancet 344:796-798, 1994
JENNER P. Oxidative stress in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Pathologie Biologic 44(1):57-64, 1996
JENNER P, OLANOW CWo Oxidative stress and the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Neurology 47(6 suppI3):SI6I-I70, 1996
OWEN AD, SCHAPIRA AHV, JENNER P, MARSDEN CD. Oxidative stress and Parkinson's disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 786:217-223, 1996
OFFEN D, ZIV 1, STERNIN H, MELAMED E, HOCHMAN A. Preventionofdopamine-induced cell death by thiol antioxidants: possible implica- tions for treatment of Parkinson's disease. Experimental Biology 141(1):32-39, 1996
PERRY TL, GODIN DV, HANSEN S. Parkinson's disease: a disorder due to nigral glutathione dc:Jiciency? Neuroscience Letter 33(3):305-310, 1982
REIDERER P. SOFIC E, RAUSCH WD, SCHMIDT B ET AL. Transition metals, fer- ritin, glutathione, ascorbic acid in Parkinsonian Brains. Journal of Neurochemistry 52: 515-520, 1989
SECHI G, DELEDDA MG, BUA G, SATTA WM, DEIANA GA, PES GM, ROSATI G. Reduced intravenous glutathione in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease. Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 20(7):II59-70,1996
SIAN J, DEXTER DT, LEES AJ, DANIEL S, JENNER P, MARSDEN CD. Glutathione-related enzymes in brain in Parkinson's disease. Annals of Neurology 36(3):356-361, 1994
SIAN J, DEXTER DT, LEES AJ, DANIEL S, AGID Y, JAvoy-AGID F, JENNER P, MARS- DEN CD. Alterations in glutathione levels in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders affecting basal ganglia. Annals of Neurology 36(3): 348-355, 1994
SIMONIAN NA, COYLE JT. Oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases. Annual Review of  Pharmacology & Toxicology 36:83-106, 1996
SPENCER JPE, JENNER P, HALLIWELL B. Superoxide-dependent depletion of reduced glutathione by L-Dop« and dopamine. Relevance to Parkinson's disease. Neuroreport 6(II):1480-84,1995
ZHANG F, DRYHURST G. Effects ofL-cysteine on the oxidation chemistry of dopamine: new reaction pathways of potential relevance to idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Journal of Medical Chemistry 37(8):1084-98, 1994

Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum are the ONLY Dietary supplements, patented and scientifically PROVEN to consistently raise glutathione levels and enhance the human immune system!

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